Mr. Justine Peter Mwandu

Mr. Mwandu is a Board Member of NIB and also Chairman of the NIB Technical Committee. He has a long-serving insurance professional record with over 44 years of experience both as an academic and practitioner in the insurance and social security administration. Mr. Mwandu who is also a Chairman of the National Insurance Corporation Board of Directors started his career in insurance as a Higher Clerical Officer at the National Insurance Corporation Limited (NIC) in March 1977.
Mr. Mwandu is an Associate member of the Chartered Insurance of UK, (ACII). He also holds an Advanced Diploma in Insurance (1981) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (1983) both from IFM. He also holds a Masters of Arts (MA) degree in Public and Social Administration (Social Security) 1991, from Brunel University, London.
He served at IFM for 20 years in different academic ranks to a Senior Lecturer. While serving as academician, he also served as Head of the Insurance and Social Security Department and he was also appointed Director of Studies. He joined the Tanzania Insurance Regulatory Authority in 2001 in Insurance Supervisory Department as Director of Technical Services up to 2009. In the same year, he was appointed a member of a Task Force to restructure NIC. While serving as a member of the Task Force, he was appointed Acting Managing Director of NIC up to April 2013 when he was confirmed Managing Director, the post he served up to 15th February 2015 when he retired from public service.